PDM Studio Integration with SOLIDWORKS CAD
SOLIDWORKS is the most widely used CAD system in the world. Many SOLIDWORKS resellers only offer SOLIDWORKS PDM, which comes from the same company, as a suitable solution for product data management. However, the "standard" version has several limitations compared to PDM Studio. It’s worth examining the range of features of both solutions, especially regarding pricing and the openness of the systems for integrating third-party systems.
Some functions that can be started directly from SOLIDWORKS include:
- Switch directly to PDM Studio
- Save in PDM Studio
- Check out documents for editing
- Create copies, e.g. including linked drawings
- Approve and change status
- Create a revision/version
- Open the drawing associated with a 3D model directly

All information provided by SOLIDWORKS is also mapped in PDM Studio:
Structure of the assembly and the connection between the 3D model and drawing.
Quick overview of assemblies without needing to open SOLIDWORKS.
Synchronization of file properties between SOLIDWORKS and PDM Studio.
- Use the information to fill in the title block in SOLIDWORKS or to generate bill of materials (BOM) in Inventor.
- Additional documents can be added to the structure or to an individual document for better clarity. For example, a PDF containing specifications for a purchased part can be directly attached to the component.

SOLIDWORKS components can be used directly from PDM Studio:
Place into the already opened assembly or drawing
Create drawings
Replace the selected model in the assembly

Check out our videos on the integration of PDM Studio with SOLIDWORKS CAD:
The integration and implementation of PDM Studio can usually be completed in just a few weeks. Preparing data in advance is not necessary.
Existing data is transferred 1:1 from another PDM system or folder structure and is optimized during processing. It doesn’t get any faster or easier!